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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Gene Kim  The Security 'X' Factor  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 2. Gene Kim  The Security 'X' Factor - Part 1: The Study  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 3. Gene Kim  The Security 'X' Factor - Part 3: Overcoming Hurdles  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 4. Gene Kim  The Security 'X' Factor - Part 2: Taking Action  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 5. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 94: The Fourth Factor - Sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 6. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 94: The Fourth Factor - Sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 7. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 91: Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 8. Bruce Cowper  Microsoft Webcast: Security Series : System Security Configuration Though Group Policy   
 9. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 91: Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 10. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Relational Security   
 11. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - eDMZ Security   
 12. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Chosen Security   
 13. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Calyptix Security   
 14. Julia Allen  Getting Real about Security Governance - Part 3: Making Security a Mainstream Process  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 15. Art Manion  Managing Security Vulnerabilities Based on What Matters Most - Part 1: The Challenges in Defining a Security Vulnerability  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 16. Patty Morrison & Bill Boni  Dual Perspectives: A CIO's and CISO's Take on Security - Part 2: Selling Security and Pinpointing Acceptable Risk  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 17. Barbara Laswell  Building Staff Competence in Security - Part 3: Creating a Culture of Security; Actions Leaders Can Take  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 18. Greg Newby  The Human Side of Security Trade-Offs - Part 2: Building a Security Conscious Culture  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 19. Felix Domke, Michael Steil  Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security  Chaos Communication Congress 2007 (24c3) 
 20. Felix Domke, Michael Steil  Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security  Chaos Communication Congress 2007 (24c3) 
 21. Felix Domke, Michael Steil  Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security  Chaos Communication Congress 2007 (24c3) 
 22. Julia Allen & William Pollak  Why Leaders Should Care About Security - Part 2: Why Is Security a Governance Issue?  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 23. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group Interview with Application Security, Inc.  InfoSecurity NY 2007 
 24. http://www.mckeay.net  Network Security Podcast - Alex Neihaus Astaro Security  Martin McKeay 
 25. Felix Domke, Michael Steil  Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security  Chaos Communication Congress 2007 (24c3) 
 26. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now103: Paypal Security Key - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now August 2007 
 27. Sean Beggs  What Business Leaders Can Expect from Security Degree Programs - Part 3: Keeping Pace as the Security Field Evolves  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 28. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 52: Security Bulletins - Sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now August 2006 
 29. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 58: Security Alert! - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now September 2006 
 30. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 38: Browser Security - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2006 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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